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Cool game. But difficult to play with an azerty keyboard.
It is like having Q Z S D to move for you. ( if you have a qwerty one ) :-)
In order to make it playable with an azerty keyboard, you could just check "Use Physical Keys" in the project settings of unity ( section input manager ) and all will be happy ;-)

Thanks, I'll try that!

also when we die not to start again from the beginning, I have rage quit because of the mobs which prevented me from taking the fragment because of the collision which blocks me above them.

I like your game but is it possible to change the keyboard controls? I am French and I have an AZERTY keyboard and not QWERTY

J'ai le même problème, et puis je me suis souvenu que l'on peut basculer le clavier en mode anglais ;-)

oui aussi ^^

it's cool   !

Pretty darn enjoyable for a month's work 👍

Thanks! Stay tuned, I'll definitely expand on this one (at the very least, more enemy variety)